


    管理学院有着完善的学科结构,现设有管理科学与工程系、电子商务系、企业管理系、会计系、公共管理系等5个系,涵盖13个本科专业,9个专业均一本招生,其中“工商管理”为国家级特色专业和广东省名牌专业,国家级一流本科专业建设点;“信息管理与信息系统”为广东省特色专业和广东省名牌专业,广东省一流专业建设点;“电子商务”为广东省特色专业。我院“管理科学与工程”为广东省优势重点学科,“企业管理”为广东省特色重点学科。拥有“管理科学与工程”一级学科博士点和博士后流动站、“工业企业管理”二级学科博士点;设有“管理科学与工程”、“工商管理”、“公共管理”3个一级学科硕士点;设有mba、 mpacc、项目管理、物流工程等4个专业硕士学位点;目前在校本科学生4590人,博士和硕士研究生1520人。学院拥有“工业企业管理创新研究中心” 广东省人文社科重点研究基地,广东省系统工程学会、广东省技术经济和管理现代化研究会、广东省企业家领导科学研究会等省级学会挂靠本院。


    guangdong university of technology (gdut), founded in june 1995, was merged from guangdong institute of technology, guangdong institute of machinery, and south china institute of construction (east site). the university offers a wide range of courses in engineering, science and technology, business management, liberal arts and law, with major emphasis on the study of engineering. in the past 50 years, gdut has become a key educational and research institution in guangdong province. located in the longyandong natural forest park scenic area in guangzhou, the school of management campus is the largest academic college at gdut both in terms of the size of student body and the programs offered. management science and engineering, one of the five leading disciplines of gdut, is a key-built discipline of the guangdong “high-level universities plan”, having strong influence to scientific research and disciplinary development in the south china region.

the school of management currently has over 180 faculty members, including 149 full-time teaching staff, 25 professors and 50associate professors, in which 72 of them holding a phd degree. in the past three years, the school has recruited more than 10 talented young scientists from well-known universities and research institutions worldwide.

    the school of management at gdut includes 5 departments: management science and engineering, e-commerce, business administration, accounting, and public administration. we offer 12 bachelor degree programs, 4 master degree programs and doctoral degree in management science and engineering. currently, the school has over 4438 undergraduate students, with 1200 post-graduate students. our "industrial enterprise management and innovation research center" is the guangdong province key research base of humanities and social sciences. the school is also home to the guangdong association of technology economics and modern management, and the guangdong society of system engineering.    

    over the years, the school of management has established corporative partnerships with many universities and research institutions in america, england, australia, france, singapore, japan, canada, russia, hong kong and marco. at present, we offer a range of international exchange programs and joint-study programs with harvard university, columbia university, university of california berkeley, university of dundee, waseda university, university of sydney, university of new south wales, national university of kaohsiung, etc.

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