报告题目:what influences the purchase of virtual gifts in live streaming in china? a cultural context-sensitive model
腾讯会议id:236 526 031
china is one of the largest and fastest-growing markets forlive streaming, and the purchase of virtual gifts in livestreaming is the core for streamers and live streamingplatforms in china to survive and thrive. compared towestern countries, live streaming in china highlights thelively social atmosphere and heated social interactionsamong streamers and viewers. this study develops acultural context-sensitive model that contextualises the purchase of virtual gifts in live streaming in china. specifically, wefocus on the viewer's social experience and the social atmosphere in live streaming which have received limited attentionyet. we introduce viewers' social perceptions with regard tothe streamer and other viewers (ie, perceived proximity to thestreamer and sense of belonging to the viewer crowd) andshow how such social perceptions contribute to the development of flow experience, which subsequently leads topurchase intention. this study also reveals how such socialperceptions can be shaped by the contextual settingconsisting of the it-related factors of live streaming (ie,responsiveness, two-way communication, social presence, andself-presentation) and the cultural characteristics of china(ie, social orientation and harmony). our research offers boththeoretical guidance for practitioners into cultivating viewers'purchase of virtual gifts in china's live streaming.。
管正之博士,男、1991年9月23日、毕业于诺丁汉大学数字技术专业、现就职于中国科学技术大学管理学院博士后研究员,主要研究方向包括社交媒体用户行为、数字叙述行为、网络直播以及公益众筹等研究。目前研究成果已经发表于国际知名期刊information systems journal (isj), internet research, industrial management & data systems以及学术会议icis、ecis、pacis。