1.tan, l.,guo, x. g., & li, y.(2022) predictors of leader humor behaviors: the role of personality and mindfulness. personality and individual differences.已录用(ssci if = 3.1, jcr二区)abs三星
2.tan, l., wang, y*., guan, j., wang, j., qian, w., & zheng, c. (2022). conscientiousness and leader emergence: the mediating role of functional behaviors. journal of managerial psychology.已录用(ssci if = 3.61, jcr二区)abs三星
3.蒋路远(学生), 曹李梅, 秦昕*,谭玲, 陈晨, 彭小斐.(2022).人工智能决策的公平感知. 心理科学进展, 30(4), 1-15. (cssci a类期刊)
4.chen, j(学生).,tan, l(共一)., liu, l., & wang, l*. (2021). reinforcement learning of irrelevant stimulus-response associations modulates cognitive control.journal of experimental psychology. learning, memory, and cognition, 47(10):1585-1598.(ssci & sci if = 3.05 jcr一区)abs三星
5.tan, l., wang, y*. & lu, h. (2021). leader humor extends beyond work: how and when followers have better family lives.applied researchinquality of life,https://doi.org/10.1007/s11482-020-09888-1 (ssci if = 3.08,jcr一区)
6.tan, l.,xia, t. s*. (2021). predictors on workplace suicidal ideation: from a social interaction perspective.current psychology. doi: 10.1007/s12144-021-01928-9. (ssci if =4.297jcr一区)
7.tan, l., wang, y*., & lu, h. (2021). leader humor and employee upward voice: the role of employee relationship quality and traditionality.journal of leadership & organizational studies,28(2), 221-236. (ssci if = 2.78 jcr三区)
8.tan, l., wang, y*., qian, w., & lu, h. (2021).leader humor and employee job crafting: the role of employee-perceived organizational support and work engagement.front psychol, 11:499849. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.499849. (ssci if =2.99 jcr二区)
9.tan, l., wang, y*., & lu, h. (2021). why so humorous? the roles of traditionality and gender (dis)similarity in leader humor behavior and employee job performance.journal of leadership & organizational studies, 28(1), 91-98. (ssci if =2.78 jcr三区)
11.夏天生,谭玲*. (2020). 刺激-反应联结学习在情境特异比例一致效应中的作用,心理科学, (05):1049-1057.(cssci a类核心期刊)
12.谭玲,郭晓格,刘烨桐,陈静,吴奎胜,陈华钦. (2021).基于应聘方视角的人工智能招聘.第十六届中国管理学年会.
14.卢海陵(学生),杨洋,王永丽*,张昕,谭玲.(2021). “激将法”会激发还是打击员工?感知能力不被信任的“双刃剑”效应.心理学报,53(12),1376-1392.
15.tan,l., lu, h.,&wang, y*. (2020). why so humorous? the roles of traditionality and gender (dis)similarity in leader humor behavior and employee job performance.80th annual meeting of the academy of management. 7-11augustonline. (aomconference paper)
16.谭玲. (2020).正念冥想训练在高校课程中的实践应用和教改探索.现代职业教育. 214-215
17.yang, yang(学生)., wang, yongli*., lu, hailing., &tan, ling. (2020). too insecure to be a leader: the role of attachment in leadership emergence.front psychol. 11. 571401. 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.571401.
18.王永丽*,卢海陵,谭玲. (2019).领导工作过载对下属工作自我效能感和工作-家庭促进的影响.预测.(国家自然科学基金委管理科学部认定重要期刊))
19.tan,l., lu, h.,&wang, y*. (2019). leader humor extends beyond work: how and whenfollowers have better family lives.79th annual meeting of the academy of management. 9-13august in boston, massachusetts. (aomconference paper)
20.tan, l*., xia, t. s., & reece, c. (2018). social and individual risk factors for suicide ideation among chinese children and adolescents: a multilevel analysis.international journal of psychology,53(2): 117-125. (ssci if = 2.287 jcr二区)
21.tan, l., chen, j., xia, t*., & hu, j*. (2018). predictors of suicidal ideation among children and adolescents: roles of mental health status and meaning in life.child & youth care forum,(5), 1-13.(ssci if = 1.608 jcr三区)
22.王永丽*,卢海陵,杨娜,谭玲. (2018).基于资源分配观和补偿理论的组织公平感研究.管理学报. 15(6),837-846.(国家自然科学基金委管理科学部认定重要期刊)
23.tan, l., yang, q. h., chen, j. l., zou, h. x., xia, t. s., & liu, y*. (2017). the potential role of attitudes towards suicide between mental health status and suicidal ideation among chinese children and adolescents.child care health dev,43(5), 725-732. (ssci & sci if = 2.346 jcr二区)
24.谭玲,夏天生,刘勇*. (2015).不同博弈情境下社会排斥对社会决策的影响作用.心理科学, 38(4),946-953. (cssci a类核心期刊)
25.schirmer, a*., chen, c., ching, a.tan, l., & hong, r. y. (2013). vocal emotions influence verbal memory: neural correlates and interindividual differences.cogn affect behav neurosci13, 80-93 (sci if = 3.565 jcr一区)
王永丽,谭玲.(2019).工作要求-资源模型.组织与管理研究理论实用手册. 2019年3月