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(8) yan, y. l., akhtar, m. n., zhang, j. w.*, & liang, s. c. positive leadership and employee engagement: the roles of state positive affect and individualism-collectivism. current psychology, 2023, 42: 9109-9118. (ssci; q1; corresponding author)
(9) zhang, y., he, w., long, l. r., & zhang, j. w. does pay for individual performance truly undermine employee creativity? the different moderating roles of vertical and horizontal collectivist orientations. human resource management, 2022, 61(1): 21-38. (ft 50)
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(14) ma, z. x., long, l. r., zhang, y., zhang, j. w., & lam, c. k. why do high-performance human resource practices matter for team creativity? the mediating role of collective efficacy and knowledge sharing. asia pacific journal of management, 2017, 34(3): 565-586. (ssci; q2)
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