











2023.12-               广东工业大学 管理学院 教授

2016.12-2023.12  广东工业大学 管理学院 副教授

2018.03-2019.03 香港理工大学 物流与航运管理系 visiting scholar

2014.03-2014.08 香港科技大学  工业工程与物流管理系  postdoctoral research fellow

2011.10-2014.03 新加坡国立大学 工业与系统工程系 postdoctoral research fellow

2007.03-2008.08 香港城市大学 管理科学系 research assistant

2010.08-2010.10 香港城市大学 管理科学系 research associate

2005.09-2010.12 中山大学管理学院  管理科学与工程专业  博士学位

2001.10-2005.07 北京航空航天大学计算机学院  计算机科学与专业  学士学位

[1] 陶毅, 杨锐思, 林强, 王帆. 考虑竞争与风险规避行为的电商供应链融资与定价决策模型. 中国管理科学, 2023.

[2] 陶毅, 王美萍, 卓晓坡, 杨锐思. 考虑税率差异的跨国供应链绿色投资策略研究. 工业工程与管理, 2023.

[3] yi tao, haibing zhuo, xiaofan lai. the pickup and delivery problem with multiple depots and dynamic occasional drivers in crowdshipping delivery. computers & industrial engineering, 182: 109440, 2023. (sci)

[4] yi tao, meiping wang, shaorui zhou. pricing and contract preference in maritime supply chains with downstream competition impact of risk-aversion and contract unobservability. ocean & coastal management, 242: 106691, 2023. (sci)

[5] yi tao, shiling zhang, changhui lin, xiaofan lai. a bi-objective optimization for integrated truck operation and storage allocation considering traffic congestion in container terminals. ocean & coastal management, 232: 160417, 2023. (sci)

[6] yi tao, changhui lin, lijun wei. metaheuristics for a large-scale vehicle routing problem of same-day delivery in e-commerce logistics system. journal of advanced transportation, 1-15, 2022. (sci)

[7] yi tao, ruisi yang, xiaopo zhuo, fan wang. xiao yang. financing the capital-constrained online retailer with risk aversion: coordinating strategy analysis. annals of operations research, 1-29, 2022. (sci)

[8] yi tao, jianhuang wu, xiaofan lai, fan wang. network planning and operation of sustainable closed-loop supply chains in emerging markets: retail market configurations and carbon policies. transportation research part e, 144: 102131, 2020. (sci)

[9] yi tao, xiaofan lai, shaorui zhou. information sharing in a transparent supply chain with transportation disruptions and supplier competition. annals of operations research, 1-23, 2020. (sci)

[10] shaorui zhou, xiaopo zhuo, zhiming chen, yi tao. a new separable piecewise linear learning algorithm for the stochastic empty container repositioning problem. mathematical problems in engineering, 2020. (sci)

[11] xiaofan lai, yi tao, fan wang, zongbao zou. sustainability investment in maritime supply chain with risk behavior and information sharing. international journal of production economics, 218: 16-29, 2019. (sci)

[12] yi tao*, loo hay lee, ek peng chew, gang sun, vincent charles. inventory control policy for a periodic review system with expediting. applied mathematical modelling, 49: 375-393, 2017. (sci)

[13] yi tao*, ek peng chew, loo hay lee, lu wang. a capacity pricing and reservation problem under option contract in the air cargo freight industry. computers & industrial engineering, 110: 560-572, 2017. (sci)

[14] ning shi, shaorui zhou, fan wang, yi tao, liming liu. the multi-criteria constrained shortest path problem. transportation research part e, 101:13-29, 2017. (sci)

[15] yi tao*, ek peng chew, loo hay lee, yuran shi. a column generation approach for the route planning problem in fourth party logistics. journal of the operational research society, 68(2): 165-181. 2017. (sci)

[16] yi tao*, loo hay lee, ek peng chew. quantifying the effect of sharing information in a supply chain facing supply disruptions. asia-pacific journal of operational research, 33(04): 1-28. 2016. (sci)

[17] yi tao*, chung-yee lee. joint planning of berth and yard allocation in transshipment terminals using multi-cluster stacking strategy. transportation research part e, 83: 34-50, 2015. (sci)

[18] yi tao*, fan wang. an effective tabu search approach with improved loading algorithms for the 3l-cvrp. computers & operations research, 55: 127-140, 2015. (sci)

[19] jie pan, yi tao*, loo hay lee, ek peng chew. production planning and inventory control for a two-product recovery system. iie transactions, 47(12): 1342-1362, 2015. (sci)

[20] yanzhi li, yi tao, fan wang. an effective approach to multi-item capacitated dynamic lot-sizing problems. international journal of production research, 50(19): 5348-5362, 2012. (sci)

[21] yanzhi li, yi tao*, fan wang. a compromised large-scale neighborhood search heuristic for capacitated air cargo loading planning. european journal of operational research, 199(2): 553-560, 2009. (sci)

[22] yanzhi li, yi tao, fan wang. a compromised large-scale neighborhood search heuristic for cargo loading planning. lecture notes in computer science, 4830: 721-726, 2007. (sci)

[23] yi tao*, ek peng chew, loo hay lee. a study on capacity pricing and reservation problem under option contract. proceedings of the 2015 international conference on computers & industrial engineering, 361-368, 2016. (ei)

[24] jie pan, yi tao*, loo hay lee and ek peng chew. production planning and inventory control of a two-product recovery system. re-engineering manufacturing for sustainability, 609-614, 2013. (ei)

[25] yi tao*, fan wang. a new packing heuristic based approach for vehicle routing problem with three-dimensional loading constraints. proceedings of the 2010 ieee conference on automation science and engineering, 972-977, 2010. (ei)

[26] yanzhi li, yi tao, fan wang. a general approach to multi-item capacitated dynamic lot-sizing problems. proceedings of the 39th international conference on computers & industrial engineering, 797-802, 2009. (ei)

[1]  国家自然科学基金面上项目(72071050),2021.01-,主持

[2]  广东省自然科学基金面上项目2022a1515010541),2022.01-主持

[3]  国家自然科学基金青年项目(716010542017.1-2019.12主持,已结题

[4]  广东省自然科学基金面上项目(2016a0303137192016.06-2019.05主持,已结题

[5]  教育部人文社科基金青年项目(15yjc6301172015.03-2018.02主持,已结题

[1] 广东省青年珠江学者称号

[2] 第七届广东省哲学社会科学优秀成果奖三等奖(第一完成人)

[3] 第二十次中国物流学术年会优秀论文奖三等奖(排名第一)

[4] 第六届全国大学生物流仿真设计大赛全国一等奖(第一指导老师)

[5] 第二届国际供应链建模设计大赛精英赛本科组特等奖(第一指导老师)

[6] 第二届广东省物流创业创新设计大赛优秀指导老师奖

[7] 广东工业大学培英育才培养计划

[8] 广东工业大学青年百人人才计划




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